A Very Beautiful Dream
Yesterday I dreamed a beautiful dream. A VERY BEAUTIFUL DREAM.

I'm not sure it was happened on 21 February or 22 February, but I'm sure that I met him in my dream, in a very beautiful place.

In my dream he gave me a letter, and I read it. Suddenly I became a happiest girl in the world.

But in that dream I wasn't read the whole letter, and I was going to read the whole letter the other time.

Suddenly I heard my mom waking me up.

"AH, IT JUST A DREAM!" I muttered to myself when I realized it just a dream.

I mad.
I want to continue that beautiful dream.
I want to read the whole letter.

But I know, I can't live in my dream forever.

And then reality forced me to wake up and leave that beautiful dream.

So I woke up.
I left him and an unread letter.

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POSTED BY Nurul Ainna ON Sunday, February 23, 2014 @ 11:23 PM
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